Thought I'd put up a page just for the sources I've been using to get most of this stuff:
Tainted World - So many great things posted here! I totally suggest registering here, mostly VK and Jrock, with an occasional j-pop album thrown in
Nigihana - Mostly J-pop, C-pop, and K-pop here. But very good resource, again just register.
J-POP ZONE - lots and lots of things!
Jpfiles - posts all sorts of things, isos, dramas, variety shows, definitely worth checking out!
Jpopsuki - I am going to admit that I am a member of jpopsuki, however, I will not invite anyone to join. I'm sorry, it's nothing personal, just can't afford to lose my account on there. But, if you want to request that I look for something there, that you can't find anywhere else, I'll do it for you.